Unni Kriens

Welcome to my page, where creativity comes to life and art is celebrated in all its forms. Be inspired by our diverse offering and discover the beauty of creative expression.

"Being an artist is often hard work, and requires self-belief and courage and we must be willing to deal with rejections and criticism in order to pursue our creative passions".

I will try to stay true to myself as an artist and not compromise my vision for the sake of pleasing others.

I try to take risks in my work, pushing my usual comfort zones to explore new ideas and techniques and to trust my own gut feeling.

There is so much brilliant figurative art out there, but we are not all made out for just copying what is in front of us. I do not overthink a composition or think too much about the final painting. I prefer to be guided by my artistic eye instead. It’s the artistic journey, not the final destination, that matters.